Tuesday, 23 April 2019

So what I learned earlier was there are 3 types of sabar that is :

1. Sabar ketika diuji
2. Sabar dalam berbuat baik
3. Sabar dalam menurut perintah Allah

not really sure about the third one. Sorry.

you know what? i actually dont give a damn about facts. Not that it isn't important.

Facts are very important and I appreciate the works that have been done by so many people just so that we can retrieve these facts. Facts are very important.

But it's not something that excites me.

I'm excited by the possibilities. "It's not a well-known fact yet but this thing could happen because of these reasons." I'm excited by that.

And I think from now on, I need to start writing a script for whenever I have to talk because I REALLY SUCK AT TALKING.

whether it's a presentation or just merely talking with another human. I need a script. Because when I need to talk, my brain just stops working.