Friday 11 June 2021

A different view.

The first time I heard someone said that teachers who teach Pendidikan Khas as 'tak berkembang' or easily translated as having no future, I feel so bad. 

Then, why are they still doing it? They are teaching precious kids that are said to be gifts from God, so why do they have no future?

I understand that the person is saying it because that is what it looks like right now. Which is why I want to change it.

Upon discovering these new conditions called neurodivergence and neurotypical, I found out that not all humans are built the same. I mean, I knew that from the start but these discoveries made me understand it from a different view.

So, neurodivergents are the people with autism, ADHD and another condition I forgot. Okay, so these people have a slightly different brain structure from the neurotypicals in which they cannot do something they are not interested in. They can only focus on one thing that they are truly interested in. So, they really don't like being told what to do. These people only want to do what they want to. And, they are usually very good at the said things.

Being in a world that is dominated by neurotypicals, they are called lazy and a problem..because, they won't do as they are told. That is difficult in this world where the leaders only want to 'pecah dan perintah' right?

Because they are not in the same pace as their peers, they are being put in a special class to receive a special education which further obstructs their growth because instead of exploring their abilities, these special education acts more like a prison to these kids. As if the number one rule is "Don't go and disturb your normal friends. Just stay quiet here." I have never gone and visited a special school so I know nothing about them. I usually only watch from the outside. And that is because I'm categorized as the 'normal' one. We were never encouraged to mingle with each other even though our class are located in the same school compound. So, everything were left up to our imaginations and accompanying it are rumors saying that these kids are 'slow'.

Which is why the teachers are said to have no future. Because they are not there to teach. They are there to guard those kids. It's a daycare basically. 

And what I want to do is to change this. We need to study more about the different kind of brains people are born with and explore each of their potentials. So that we may have more useful people among us. I may sound like a crazed human resources official but please understand me. I just feel so close to them. Because I also might be a neurodivergent. A luckier one at that because I pass as a neurotypical. But for those who are not? For those who are only haunted by their own self criticisms? When will they grow? When will they surpass people's expectations?

I will do more study on this and one day, I hope I can change this situation.

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